Wednesday 30 December 2015

Being Adopted

      I think being adopted comes with a lot of emotions. I was adopted at a very young age from Budapest because my parents were very young and  were not ready to have a child. I am lucky to have been able to be a part of an open adoption where I am still to this day able to have contact with my birth parents and brother.
        Sometimes I think about what life would be like if I hadn't been adopted. It's always a "what if" kind of thought. What if I hadn't been adopted? What if I hadn't had to deal with my health problems?with all the problems I have had with my pregnancy, kidney dialysis and needing a transplant, I don't know if that all could've been done in Europe. I am very lucky to have been adopted and to be able to have access to the Canadian health care system.
       My father is a dentist and my mother was a nurse for about twenty five years until my father opened up his own practice. My sister was adopted from China. She didn't get the opportunity to have an open adoption and sometimes (even if she doesn't say it out loud) I think it's hard on her. It may just be me, but I also find I don't have a very close family bond with my adoptive parents but with my birth family, it feels a bit more natural to be close with them. We grew up in very fortunate circumstances, having everything a child could want, travelling on family vacations, participating and being encouraged to try every sport, and extra curricular, etc. but sometimes it feels as though our family bond is a bit forced.
         My sister and I are only two years apart which is great for the most part haha. We get along very well... I've always been the older sister who stands up for her no matter what. We have been through thick and thin and I know that will never change.
       My mother and I have never really been that close. I always craved that mother-daughter bond where you could tell your mother anything no matter what , and she would support you.  That's not the kind of mother I grew up with. I grew up not always seeing eye to eye with her, on a lot of different things. Don't get me wrong, we had our times once in a while where we were close, but it never lasted long.  My father has always been the quiet type. He works a lot but he also works very hard to have given us the life we have so I try and appreciate that as often as possible. He will stand his ground when he really has to, but other then that I find he keeps to himself often in a family sense.
        I have my days when I wish I hadn't been adopted and was able to see the other life I would have lived if I was still with my birth parents. At the same time, I'm very glad to have this life I have now with my son Jack.
I'll leave this post with the topic of adoption and how I feel with a quote;
 "One of the hardest things about being adopted is that the pain can sometimes last forever..."

Wednesday 18 November 2015


November 18,2015

I'm going to start my blog off with a quote I feel really represents me!

"You never know how strong you are..
until being strong is the only choice you have."

     My name is Kinga Casson and I'm a twenty two year old mother who has had a kidney transplant. Life for me has been far from easy but the one and only reason now I keep on going is my son Jack. Jack is two and a half and a ball full of energy I tell you!
    We live on Manitoulin Island which has a population of 13,000 people. Over the next little while I'm going to slowly start blogging my life away from the beginning.. I hope you enjoy and would love any feedback or topic ideas you'd like me to write about!

This is a picture of Jack and I.